FBI Deputy Director's Email Hacked by Teenager Who Hacked CIA Chief
The same group of teenage hackers that hacked the AOL email account of the CIA director John Brennan two weeks ago has now hacked into AOL email accounts of the FBI Deputy Director, Mark Giuliano and his wife.
Yesterday, Cracka, a member of the teenage hacktivist group known as 'Crackas With Attitude' (CWA) posted
a new trove of information belong to thousands of government employees
online; however they claim to have accessed far more than that.
The hackers claimed to have obtained the personal information by hacking into AOL email accounts of the Giuliano and his wife.
More Than 3,500 Government Employees Doxxed
The published information includes more than 3,500 names, email
addresses and contact numbers of law enforcement and military personnel.
Though the FBI officials couldn't immediately verify the claims, Infowars
has confirmed the authenticity of several people listed, which includes
everyone from local police officers to FBI and military intelligence
Following the last CIA director's email hack, Mr. Giuliano made aggressive statements about catching the hackers and making an example out of CWA.
The CWA hacking group got angry over the statement made by Giuliano and
moved forward to teach him a lesson by hacking his personal email
Cracka Twitter account was temporarily deleted, but before his account
got deactivated by Twitter Thursday evening, Cracka claimed to have
leaked the information in support of Palestine.
Hacker Made Phone Call to FBI Deputy Director
Motherboard spoke to the group of hackers that claimed they have access to a lot more than the information they shared Thursday.
However, the FBI has declined to comment on whether or not Mark Giuliano
was hacked, although Cracka said the group found deputy director's
phone number in the email account’s contact lists.
The hacker also claimed to have called the number. "I called it and
asked for Mark, and he is like 'I don't know you, but you better watch
your back', and then he hung up, and I kept calling and he was getting
mad then he didn't pick up," Cracka said.
From : thehackernews.com